Law and Empowerment Foundation

What We Do

We collaborate and cooperate with educational and research institutes, conduct socio-legal research, promote human rights, support labor rights organizations, provide legal aid, and facilitate alternative dispute resolutions.

Our focus extends to advocacy campaigns, strategic litigations, and organizing seminars and workshops for the dissemination of knowledge.


Establishment of an institution and collaboration with other education and research institutions to promote quality legal and social education. Providing para-legal education and training, especially for marginalized communities, supporting literacy, skill development, and knowledge sharing for inclusive and sustainable growth.


Researching legal, environmental, economic, and social issues. Motivating and facilitating capacity-building programs for young researchers; operating surveys on public opinion, and analyzing outcomes for comprehensive reports. Fostering collaboration with similar organizations globally.

Human Rights

Providing institutional support for global human rights promotion and protection. Offer counselling and education on legal and civic rights, raising awareness of moral, civic, and legal duties. Advocacy for domestic incorporation and implementation of international human rights instruments, especially for women, children, and marginalized groups.

Labour Rights

Supporting labour rights organizations and trade unions through research, analysis, training, and advocacy. Promoting economic and working conditions ensuring social justice. Advocacy for proper implementation of labour laws and compliance of international labour standards.

Legal Aid

Providing legal aid to disadvantaged groups, including counselling and representation. Establish legal aid units in various parts of the country, including rural areas.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Providing institutional support for ADR mechanisms, promoting mediation, arbitration, and other conflict resolution processes. Producing and disseminating materials on ADR and maintain a panel of mediators and arbitrators.


Collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organizations for joint programmes. Seeking affiliation with institutes, organizations, and NGOs sharing similar objectives.

Public Interest Litigation (PIL)

Addressing the grave human rights violation of poor, marginalized and deprived sections of the people. Identifying the scopes of strategic litigations in public interest issues and filing PIL cases when needed before competent courts.

Environmental Justice

Initiating projects in collaboration with national and international organizations for the promotion of environmental justice. Arranging capacity building programmes on major environmental challenges, sustainable development issues and responses to climate change. Advocacy for climate justice and promote renewable energy and eco-friendly transportations. Providing advisory services to the government and international agencies on issues impacting the country’s development and resource utilization. Collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organizations, focusing on disaster management efforts.

Seminars, Workshops, etc

Organize events, seminars, and workshops on matters of public interest. Act as a knowledge exchange forum among academics, policymakers, professionals, and stakeholders. Study and review various issues and create mass awareness. Act as a center for disseminating knowledge and information through a modern library and digital database.


Publishing and distribute diverse materials, including books, journals, and research reports online and in print, both domestically and internationally. Fostering awareness against drug addiction, corruption, terrorism, and vulgar culture, promoting unity for eradication efforts.


Undertake any other lawful activities helpful to extend the aims and objectives of the Trust, as determined by the Board of Trustees.

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