Law and Empowerment Foundation

Law and Empowerment Foundation was established with a vision for promoting equality, justice, and fairness. Our organization emerged as a voluntary, non-profitable, non-political, non-government and charitable entity.

Recent Posts

National response to tobacco control

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) aimed at protecting the present and future generations from the devastating health, social, environmental and economic consequences of tobacco...

Strengthening labour adjudication

At present, Labour Courts in Bangladesh are functioning under the Bangladesh Labour Act, 2006. According to this Act, the Labour Court is a unique and distinct court, constitution of which is based on...

South Carolina primary: Donald Trump easily defeats Nikki Haley in her home state

Donald Trump is one step closer to the Republican presidential nomination after a massive win over Nikki Haley in South Carolina. The former president won his primary opponent’s home state by a...

Germany legalises cannabis, but makes it hard to buy

Germany legalises cannabis, but makes it hard to buy The German parliament has backed a new law to allow the recreational use of cannabis. Under the law, over-18s in Germany will be allowed to possess...


Legal Aid

Public Interest Litigation


Capacity Building



Cases Solved
Happy Clients
Regional Offices
Legal Associations

Law and empowerment seeks to reach out to this section of society, raising their awareness and understanding of available rights, remedies and services, and seeking to ensure greater responsiveness to their needs from within the justice system.



Rape Law Reform Now

Despite increasing reports of rape in the media, conviction rates remain low and rapists continue to enjoy impunity. 

End Domestic Violence

We are one of the largest legal services organisation in Bangladesh and has been providing free legal services for the poor.

Preventing Child Marriage

Our innovation, SafePlus, empowers youth groups to tackle early child marriage by providing leadership, negotiation and legal training, supervised and delivered by experienced paralegals.

Cyber Support

Vision: Safe online space for women & children

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